Our community

Photography by Glenview resident Sofia Montecinos


Business Directory

Get to know the diverse selection of businesses that choose to call Glenview home.

Facebook Page for Glenview Businesses

Glenview is in District 4 and our Council Member is Janani Ramachandran.

You can reach her office at District4@oaklandca.gov

Social media: @janani4oakland


Our Oakland Unified School District Representative is Nick Resnick

OUSD has two schools that are located in the Glenview neighborhood:  Edna Brewer Middle School and Glenview Elementary



Friends of Sausal Creek’s mission is to restore, maintain, and protect the Sausal Creek Watershed. They educate future generations, involve the community in local environmental stewardship, and collaborate with agencies and other nonprofits to have a positive impact on the local ecosystem.

Friends of Dimond Park’s mission is to ensure that the diverse recreation needs of the community for an accessible, safe, well-maintained park are met.

Where is Glenview?


See the map below for a visual definition of the Glenview neighborhood.

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