Board meeting: November 2nd, 2022
Attendees: Katy Morsony, Tim Phillips, Mary Bloszies, Mary Vail, Sally Sosa, Benjamin Scott, Valerie Ackerman
Action Items:
Mary B & Tim to propose the plan for holiday lights competition
Mary B to send around an email draft to welcome new councilman
Mary Vail to reach out to sources about best practices/tips for securing a 501-c-3 sponsoring organization and closely related info
Benjamin and Katy are completing bank account information
Benjamin and Sally to work together to link Paypal and update the website
Board to brainstorm about ideas and ways to promote things on the website
Mary & Sally to work together to get board minutes on the website
Tim to send Sally his bio and photo for the website
Tim to work on an updated business registry - get them on the website, and local businesses (beyond brick and mortar) - Sally to send example of the school one
Mary and Tim to send Sally photos from the candidate forum
Mary B to own the agenda for the December meeting
Mary Vail to figure out who is up for election in February
Welcome and Introductions
Holiday Lights Competition idea:
Inspire people to submit their house and decorations for judging, inspiring neighborhood activities and get togethers
Host an awards meeting at Paulista after for drinks
Post election
Reach out to the new councilman and share that we'd like to include them on upcoming meetings and get them engaged
District 5 Update- Preston
Preston unable to attend
No update on Park Blvd traffic safety, he will follow-up via email
Ongoing Items
CRO - Public Safety Priorities - no update
Treasurer’s Report-
Received 501c4 status: point is that the donations would be tax deductible
Now we have a letter that states that we are tax exempt, but money is not tax exempt on income taxes (Katy and Benjamin both have copies)
New EIN is now live (good for 3 years as long as we do the simple paperwork)
We can now apply for a no fees bank account
City Money stays with the city until we decide how to use it
Once bank account is setup we can link the paypal to the website, and can deposit checks
Opportunity to ask for a membership donation at the beginning of the year
Board Vacancy
Still one vacancy, recruit friends!
We don’t have a huge presence, opportunity to utilize the website to promote things in the community
Need to add all board meeting minutes to the website, and then send an email summary out to neighbors and hopefully drive more people to the website
Local business registry should include and highlight brick and mortar and other locals Glenview business
Should make it clear that Glenfriends is not run by Glenview Neighbors Association, don't endorse candidates but encourage conversation
Candidate Forum Wrap Up
Successful event, 50+ people arrived, laid the ground work of the type of events we'd like to hold again in the future
Door Hangers status
Katy received door hangers, wait to distribute til after election is over and when the bank account is setup
Looking Ahead:
December meeting: Mary B to own the agenda
Start planning for the February Elections
Appoint the election committee
Season of giving donations
Think of other organizations to donate to
Think about a speaker for the Feb event
Quarterly Community meeting: May 3rd, 2023
Board Attendees: Mary Vail, Mary Bloszies, Sue Nelson, Tim Philips, Casey Geaney, Katy Morsony, Valerie Ackerman, Sandy Gess
Action Items:
Mary Vail to put together a plan for working with CPAB for the Glenview crime concerns
Katy to give Nathan feedback about problems with neighbors contacting their office via phone
Mary & Casey to schedule an Ice Cream Social planning meeting
Notes & Meeting Minutes:
Board Intros
May Meeting Presentation: Developer of Park & Hampel Lot - 4035 Park Blvd
Workshop 1 leads: Will & Mike, developer and architect team
Focus on modern, sustainable, walkable residential sites
Proposal: 7 market rate homes, 1 affordable home available to moderate income home
Target for construction completion and occupation in 2025
No plan for a roof deck or occupied roof, will include non-visible solar panels
Will include a maintenance agreement across property owners for upkeep of the shared parking courtyard & personal area
Potentially reviewing if the bus stop can be moved in front of the site, if the neighbors are in support - will need to raise this with AC Transit
Lower income affordable housing: will be specific criteria on applicants and deed restricted
Security: will include motion detector security lights, cameras will need to be provided by the homeowners
Ongoing Items:
May 17th: Councilwoman will be hosting a budget review meeting in Montclair at Monahan's
Mary Vail sent a letter to OPD to address recent recurring crime and ask how and where to turn to work with a community policing advisory board (CPAB)
Communication with Councilwoman's office:
Nathan unable to attend tonight's meeting due to illness
Tough for constituents to contact them via phone
Park Blvd letter going to DOT:
Katy is collecting signatures from Park Blvd residents
No lights and no opportunity to push cars to stop or slow down
Treasurer's report:
Total Balance Available: $6,591.99
No New membership dues paid, only interest payments recently
Ice Cream Social Kickoff: Target September 10th
Holiday Triangle
Approximately 3 hours shift
Signage made and own 4 tents
Need for borrow electricity, garbage bins, and chairs from neighbors and PTA
Activities include:
Free ice cream sundae bar: donated Mr. Dewey's and Rocky's bought it at wholesale for us
Edna Brewer Jazz Band
Invite councilmember's and city agencies
Invite local business
Volunteer face painting, balloons, and crafting
Collect raffles
Oakland Animal Services (OAS)
Need to coordinate volunteer groups:
Ice cream scoopers
Arts & Crafts people
Ticket table staff
General RSVPs via Google Form
Setup and take down volunteers
Collecting Raffles Items
Picking up materials
Door hangers:
To be distributed by board members
Board meeting: April 12th, 2023
Attendees: Sandy Gess, Mary Bloszies, Mary Vail, Sue Nelson, Katy Morsony, Casey Geaney, Carol Heard, Tom Donovan, Nathan Stalnaker (council person's office), Bridget & Travis, Valerie Ackerman, Debbie Weinstein
Action Items:
Tom Donovan to email the 22x detail to Katy Morsony for board to review and decide on next steps
Katy to follow-up with Tim about using the PBPC for the May meeting
Katy to confirm with the developer that they can attend the public meeting
Mary Vail to share draft of a request for a meeting with Councilperson's meeting and CPAB
Mary B & Katy to split up locations for people to help hang up the door hangers
Board to review the letter Katy & Kevin drafted regarding experiences living on Park Blvd by EOW
Katy to follow-up with GES re using school for Ice Cream Social - Target date on September 10th
Mary B to email Benjamin to get the names of people who were interested in the ice cream social planning in 2022
Katy owes Sue an email re banners
Welcome and Introductions
Tom Donovan joined to talk about calling on local officials to step up and do more about crime and violence in the community
May Meeting Prep
Public presentation: Park and Hampel lot developer: plans include 4 townhomes (allot 30 minutes)
Follow up with PBPC- Tim?
Utilize A-Frames, flyers, and more emails ahead of the upcoming meeting
Ongoing Items
CRO- Public Safety Priorities
Mary Vail plans to ask for a meeting about things we can do to promote safety in our neighborhoods
Public Safety meeting: convo about accountability efforts, notes will be shared after the meeting
Treasurers Report-
We have checks! We have a bank account! We have paypal!
$439 in remaining city money for the year
No further update
Door Fliers
Mary & Katy will split up the locations and email people to distribute
Traffic Safety
F/U on meeting with CM Ramachandran’s office about reducing the lane drop
Petition/letter re lane drop for those who live on Park Blvd and commitment to slower speeds on Park Blvd
Any data about effectiveness of lane drops - anecdotal evidence only by neighbors, no surveyors or traffic studies since
Can we measure a reduction of incidents?
Councilperson's office is in conversations with Joe Wang at OakDOT, including the area allowing for donuts and sideshows
Controlled signal + road diet at Beaumont is their safety answer
They are open to hearing about additional safety measures for pedestrians
Trying to find a median that makes sense for a project that is already completed and reopen their thinking
Plan to get rid of the lane diet
Original lane diets were from previous Councilperson Gallo's budget that OakDOT presented best options for effective lane drops
Potholes: Huge issues
Equity scores for prioritization have not been updated in years, so
Ice Cream Social
Katy to do- f/u with GES re using school
Set a community meeting? Set a date first - Target September 10th
If held at the school it would require a lot of communication from the board regarding the event
Mary and Casey will co-lead the Ice Cream Social
Target a date in early May for first planning meeting, include in agenda in the May public meeting
GNA has 4 canopies and Glenview PTA has several materials (tables and canopies that can be borrowed)
Include ice cream social planning in the May meeting publicity
Other initiatives
Katy owes Sue an email re banners
Board meeting: March 1st, 2023
Attendees: Mary Bloszies, Mary Vail, Sue Nelson, Tim Philips, Katy Morsony, Valerie Ackerman, Kathleen Archambeau, Jenny Z, Tesfa, Benjamin Scott, Nate Smith
Action Items:
Sue to find the number and information to publicize how to get potholes filled on Park Blvd and around the neighborhood - put on Glenfriends and Nextdoor
Katy to outreach and plan a Senior Falling class and CPR training with the Alameda County Health group - potentially an April Sunday afternoonclass
Mary B to out to CM Ramachandran and Nathan Stalknaker to invite to the monthly board meetings, and joining and co-sponsor a forum with OPD about recent issues
Mary Vail to discuss with Jenny and other D4 leads about a forum for OPD to determine who would be interested in hosting this event
Katy to reach out to Judy Christopher
Mary B's husband will make a map to divide up neighborhood areas to hang the door fliers in the area
Each board member to review website and see if anything needs updating before handing out the door hangers
Katy to review previous mosaic and Glenview beautification work and see what resources can be built upon
Katy to reach out to a Glenview PTA about hosting Ice Cream Social at Glenview Elementary in August/Sept
Mary to work with Casey to add items to the Website including: listing additional volunteer to meet neighbors like block captains, walking group, bird watchers, book club, ice cream social, banners, and beautification
Welcome & Introductions
Welcome new board member Sue Nelson
Review of February Meeting:
Alameda County Health: can put on safety classes such as Stop the Bleed or Senior Falling classes
Senior falling classes seem more in line with the neighborhood needs, bad sidewalks and potholes
Potholes: a large problem around the neighborhood, need to utilize Glenfriends and Nextdoor on how to resolve
Can also reach out to CM Ramachandran on how to publicize the potholes
CM Ramachandran follow-up: Follow-up with her on the board meeting invites, empty store fronts and what is being done
Ongoing Items:
CRO: Public Safety Priorities
Violence, break-ins, catalytic converters, and gunshots in the neighborhood and no CRO assigned to Glenview
No CRO due to staff shortages
No spot shotters in Glenview neighborhood - will not respond immediately to gunshots unless injuries
Sideshows continue without OPD being able to resolve or stop
Need a forum with OPD and CM Ramachandran to advocate for a CRO and discuss issues (along with D4 neighbors)
Need to understand if Council is really underfunded and by how much
Treasurer's Report:
Checks, Bank Account and Paypal
First donation through paypal received
Bank account is setup and open, we now have checks
Money in bank can be utilized for renting spaces and publicize upcoming events
$439 remaining in city money for the year
Door Hanger campaign
Each board member will divide and conquer hanging up the door fliers
Website updates needed before handing out the door fliers
Board Elections
Benjamin will continue being the Treasurer
Mary B will continue being the Secretary
Katy as the Chair and Valerie as Vice Chair positions will remain for now
Future board agenda item: discuss succession planning
2023 Goals
Potential Calendar
Public Safety
Alameda Fall Safety Class
Ice Cream social: suggest in August or early September after school started
Can we have the ice cream social on school grounds
Banner Project
Mosaic & Median Project
Betty Gray could weigh in on the previous mosaic project work
Creating a directory?
Seeing it done on a street by street basis
Block captains would organize it previously
Add to Website: listing additional volunteer to meet neighbors like block captains, walking group, bird watchers, book club, ice cream social, banners, and beautification
Next meeting: April 12th, next Quarterly meeting in May
Board and Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Board meeting: January 4th, 2023
Attendees: Katy Morsony, Tim Phillips, Mary Bloszies, Mary Vail, Benjamin Scott, Valerie Ackerman, Casey Geaney
Action Items:
Katy to confirm with the church on Feb 1st availability
Tim to reach out to his contacts at the Excelsior Lutheran Church to see if they have availability
Valerie and Katy will send out the 3 email election notices
Mary B to follow-up with Janani about the Feb 4th meeting and staff member
Mary Vail to confirm availability with Michaela at Alameda County Health System and topics outlined below
Katy to contact Sue about the Postal Plus key
Casey and Benjamin to build out formal budgets for our city funds
Katy to send the previous city budget forms
Benjamin to provide paypal information to Sally
Mary to follow-up with CRO with board questions listed below
Katy to create Season of Giving flyer
Sally to publish the winners of the holiday contest and winning photos say congratulations, look for more information upcoming neighborhood events
February 1st Meeting
Katy sent a note to Presbyterian Church for availability
Will send out 3 email blasts announcing the Feb 1 election and open seats opportunity
Excelsior church has potential rooms
Janani Ramachandran new D4 Council person is available and willing to join the Feb 1 meeting
Presentation from Alameda County Health System
Topics: 10 minute overview of their services, Highland Hospital, and violence prevention and restorative justice with youth
Treasurer's Report:
Bank Account is setup
Benjamin will work with banker tomorrow for paypal setup
Cashier's Checks from Wells Fargo are deposited
Will be able to write checks to make donations
Neighbors will be able to pay their dues via paypal or mailing checks
Current bank balance $6585
City pays for zoom account, website, squarespace email fees, doorhangers, and paying rent for church for meetings
Spending items over $50 will require board approval (pending further discussion)
If there are expenditures during the month it's discussed in the monthly board meetings
CRO Update:
No dedicated CRO for our area at this time
Regina Jackson is doing a follow-up spotshotter presentation at the police commission in coming months
Question around the traffic safety
What is the plan for OPD budget for traffic safety
Are they projecting when we may have a dedicated CRO with their staffing plan (e.g. 1 month, 6 months, 1 year)
Park Blvd businesses have had recent break-ins (e.g. Marzano, Ultimate Grounds)
Between the repeated break-ins and Glenview rated highest for catalyic converter theft, why aren't we seeing any police presence? What is the plan?
Season of Giving flyer: plan to announce in the February meeting
Holiday Lights competition: big success!
Future opportunities include Halloween event, neighborhood voting, more categories
Goals for 2023:
Ice Cream Social: Plan to do that this year
Halloween lights contest
December lights contest
Banner and mosaic design competition - engage local artists
Plan of execution for the doorhangers
Block captains project
Website additions: payment links, block captain list
Open Items:
Follow-up on the school board voting outcomes
Rank choice not instilling trust with recent school board outcomes
Quarterly Community meeting: February 1st, 2023
Board Members attendees: Casey Geaney, Tim Philips, Katy Morsony, Mary Vail, Sally Sosa, Valerie Ackerman, Mary Bloszies
Councilwoman Janani Ramachandran:
Staff: Nathan Stalknaker: constituent liaison for Glenview
Overarching Goal: create a safer Oakland and more transparent city hall
Key Policy Priorities:
Property Crime
Building relationships with OPD, policing, and holistic safety strategies
Met with local businesses to understand the frequency and types of issues
3 break-ins at Blackberry Bistro in last 3 weeks, minimal response from OPD
Launching a 'Keep D4 businesses safe campaign' planned at end of Feb/March
Understand community ambassadors
Safe streets campaign later in the year
D4 is typically not seen as high needs district, but definite needs for traffic and safety. Goal to highlight need and launching preventative plans for traffic safety
Pedestrian Safety
Goal to make neighbors more walkable and safer
Wildfire Prevention
Alert and preparedness programs
Revitalizing Commercial Corridors
Filling vacant store fronts
Affordable housing projects
Public Arts and Parks
Potential summer concert series
Engage smaller localized public art opportunities
Priorities for Year 1:
Constituent Services
Relationship Building
Ways to Engage our Office:
D4 Community Advocacy Council (1 year term)
Issue Based Town halls: upcoming at Ultimate Grounds
Request a site visit: focused on public works - includes a bus tour to understand needs and concerns. Date and Time TBD
Office Hours
Social Media
Open meeting notes
City Council meeting recaps (posted on shared Google drive and social media)
Community feedback
Accountable practices
Social media: @janani4oakland
Flooding concerns:
Public works master drain project in the works
Will do a dedicated town hall on the issue
Alameda County Health System (Presentation)
Health System:
James E.T. Jackson (CEO)
Comprehensive health system for full continuum of care, safety net provider
Strong relationship with the county
Mission: Caring, Healing, Teaching, Serving All
Mission: Advancing Health Equity
AHS Foundations's Philanthropic Priorities
Increasing Access to Quality Care
Addressing Unmet social needs
Raise money for those who lack access to food
"Food is Medicine" Program: fresh produce for those who meet that need, and help them understand how to access food
Raise funds for transportation to and from appts
Work with community partners to have access to safe and affordable housing
Building a community centered workforce
Violence Prevention:
Community involvement
Injury prevention coordinator Stephania: connect with the coordinator on how we can work together to support traffic safety
Pedestrian and motor vehicle traumas have increased in the last few years
YouthALIVE!: social workers and programs in place for victims of crimes
Trauma navigators: making outpatient phone calls about upcoming appts and checking on resource needs
Stop the bleed programs in high schools about tourniquet application
Senior fall prevention: top traumas each year
Infant and child care seats
Goal: cultivate a pipeline of diverse and culturally competent healthcare workers who will become the future workforce of AHS
Well rounded experiences for kids: what other careers are available for me besides a doctor or nurse
Internship: learning about healthcare topics, social determinants of health,
Partner with simulation center and soft skills needed to deliver care
Build connectivity with community
Middle school & High school focus
Avg serve 300 students per year, no GPA requirement
Grant funded to serve Oakland youth
Semester long internships: 6-8 weeks after school (1-2 days)
Summer long internships: M-F in the summer
Internship for transitional adults (18-24) - embrace interests of those in the community
Community Involvement:
AHS Foundation's Soul of Spring Event: Saturday May 20th
Donate and volunteer opportunities
Funding: Medical and Medicare, Foundations, and Grants
Board Elections:
Up for election:
Benjamin Turner: Treasurer
Sue Nelson:
Sandy Gess:
Mary Vail moves to elect, Val seconds it
Board members are elected
Next Public Meeting is in May
Next Board Meeting is in March on Zoom
Katy Morsony Adjourns the meeting